Humans have a specific pH balance our bodies must maintain. We also have a specific body temperature required to properly function. Our body regulates many areas automatically to keep us alive. Did you know people have actually died from drinking too much water at one time? This is a quick damaging jolt to our body’s pH balance, but what about the slow long term damage from eating an improperly balanced diet?
Science has shown cancerous cells thrive in an acidic environment. An acidic body is a magnet for sickness, disease, cancer and aging. Cancerous cells have been shown to die when the environment changes to alkaline. Foods we eat leave an ash behind for our cells to deal with. Foods such as sweets have an acidic effect on our cells. Foods like vegetables have an alkalizing effect, as the ash is alkaline. Remember what our parents told us to eat more of during our youth? They told us to eat alkaline foods.
The best way to make your cellular pH more alkaline is to stop consuming high concentrations of acid forming foods. If our cells develop a more acidic condition, the body will protectively deposit the excess acid to other areas trying maintain a proper alkaline balance. Have you noticed a trend toward obesity in countries eating today’s Western diets? This is your body trying to protect itself, and it’s losing the battle. As this cycle continues, these changes can cause negative reactions to your health.
Heart disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, kidney disease, asthma, allergies, psoriasis and other skin disorders, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, obesity, tooth and gum diseases, osteoporosis, morning sickness, eye diseases, plus others have been related to fueling your body with acidic foods.
Some cells may adapt, but instead of dying, they survive our natural immune defenses and multiple with DNA errors. These abnormal cells are known as malignant cells, and tend to grow indefinitely without order. This is cancer. Studies have also shown cancerous cells are more likely grow in conjunction with animal based protein diets versus plant-based protein diets. Guess which is alkaline? Plant based foods will be your alkaline diet.
What will you do if your doctor says you have the dreaded “C” word? Alkaline Your Body does NOT recommend doing anything against your doctor’s opinion. We do NOT recommend anyone stop taking medications/treatment prescribed by your doctor. This is true especially if your cancer is in a severe or late stage. Your cells renew themselves every 3 months so don’t give up hope. What this means is it may take time for your body to respond positively to an alkaline diet. It’s doubtful the cancer occurred overnight, but over time, the body can do some amazing things to repair itself when given better fuel.
You don’t put garbage into your car’s fuel tank do you? Why treat your body worse than you treat your car? Your healthier cells just might be able to defend your body against cancerous cells given fuels like alkaline diet meals provided by Alkaline Your Body.
It's unfortunate the medical industry isn't doing more alkaline/nutrition research. Ever notice how medicines have side effect warnings? When is the last time you saw a side effect label on a carrot?
1. As food burns within the body, a mineral residue remains and is moved into waste. This residue is referred to as "ash," and foods are categorized as "alkaline," "acidic" or "neutral," depending on the pH of the ash left behind.
2. A diet that successfully forms alkaline ash revolves around vegetarian protocol, focusing on fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts, while steadfastly avoiding grains, dairy and meat.
3. Most vegetables are high producers of alkaline ash (although corn and some others are notable exceptions).
4. Citrus fruits are highly praised as producers of alkaline ash and various anti-oxidant benefits, and most other fruits are acceptable, except for plums, prunes, and cranberries. Typically fruits should be eaten 2 hours before or after other foods so they are digested separately.
5. A diet rich in foods with a high alkaline content, as opposed to a high acid content, has been shown to increase the stability of the human body by maintaining a healthy pH.
6. Alkaline diets have been shown to have some amazing benefits toward fighting cancer. There are many testimonials on various websites. This diet will also lessen the likelihood of degenerative and auto-immune diseases to which an acidic bodily pH could lead, like acidosis or acid reflux disease.
How to:
Reduce the amount of meat consumed in your diet. Meat is an acid-forming food that raises the acidity level of the body. If possible, cease eating all meat while making the body more alkaline.
Cut a lemon in half with a sharp knife. Place the lemon into a fruit juicer and gather all of the lemon juice. Add the lemon juice to a glass of an equal amount of water and drink twice a day. Although lemon is acidic on its own, when digested it has an alkalizing effect on the body.
Eat as much fruit as possible. Melons, berries, and other fruit are all high alkaline foods. Fresh fruit juice is equally important and should be consumed often. If you have digestive problems, concentrate on eating cooked fruit, which is gentler on the stomach, but will still make the body alkaline.
Eat more alkalizing greens. Kale, turnips, mustard greens, endive and collard greens all increase alkalinity. Consume at least two cups of alkalizing greens per day. Seaweed also makes the body more alkaline, and should be ingested daily.
Add oats, wild rice, quinoa, yams, sweet potatoes and lentils (all alkalizing foods) to your diet.
I love watching Dee's video's. She is super informative and so down to earth. Check out all her videos.
I love Dan. He is so crazy. You have to check out his friend Lou, he is 57 and doesn't look a day over 38. He has been on a living food diet for the past 37 years. Dan just celebrated his 500th video so there is a ton of information on his site.
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